Anonymous Platypus

The not-quite-normal life of a semi-aquatic mammal

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I saw this over at Crazy Aunt Purl's and figured it's a good way to waste the last few minutes of work before my nuptuals and honeymoon.

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. bottle washer @ fungus research lab
2. children's science museum docent
3. Macy's schlub
4. genetic educator for orthodox rabbis

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. the princess bride
2. better off dead
3. titanic (but only the ship sinking)
4. babe the pig

Four places I have lived:
1. Carmel, NY
2. Ithaca, NY
3. Manhattan (duh)
4. Long Beach NY (wow I am lame and have never lived out of state. i should get a tax cut or something...)

Four television shows I love to watch:
1. ER
2. Lost
3. Bones
4. How I met your mother

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Taiwan
2. Italy
3. Sedona AZ
4. Paris, London, Nice (all one trip)

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. anything wrapped in a tortilla
2. mom's meatballs and gravy
3. chili with zip
4. actually anything with zip

Four websites I visit daily:
1. ebay for vicarious shopping
2. bloglines to do all my blog stalking
3. wedding registry habitual checking (soon to end! praise the lord)
4. overheardinnewyork to laugh my ass off at the things people say and to see if anyone I know's been quoted...

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. home with my cat probably cleaning and packing
2. in a coffee shop knitting or reading a magazine whilst over caffinating
3. on a beach with the Duck
4. at mexican happy hour with my girlies

That was a great way to waste 38 minutes. well i did take a bathroom break (the platypus has a small bladder you know)

I'll be back in a month as an old married platypus with plenty of details. I hope I finish knitting that damn shawl before Saturday... it looks chilly for strapless



Monday, October 16, 2006

Deep Breaths

Today I am taking a lot of deep breaths. I don't know why I have such wedding jitters; I mean I've lived with the guy for 6 years.

Maybe its the fear that his mother will pull some sour-faced hissy fit?

maybe the fear that my mother will throw her in the Hudson river?

Maybe the fear that neither will happen..

Or the fear there will be no cake? no pastry? I mean not that I don't trust the professionals, but when they are your friends... and they show up at your house at 8pm 6 days before to "borrow a few ingredients and supplies" should you be concerned?

I guess it doesn't really matter. None of that really matters. The only important thing is that I will stand up in front of a room full of people and tell everyone exactly how I feel about the Duck.

yup. that's it. time to go throw up.

