Anonymous Platypus

The not-quite-normal life of a semi-aquatic mammal

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

facing financial demons

i wish they were cute and fluffy like sammy. but they are more like the sharp pointy ends of his teeth. argh. why on paper does it appear that I should have 100 surplus every month? what am I doing with this extra 100? maybe I should be saving more off the top. then I would see the extra in my savings account. I think I am just pissing away $100 every friggin month.

ugh. this sucks. i hate writing out a budget. ugh


Friday, January 23, 2009


I appear to be slightly obsessed with those horrendous vampire stories. I cannot help myself. The books are absolutely awful and yet there I am. Up till midnight with the tiny booklight.

Someone please help me. I am so embarrassed I might keel over and die.

I only wish that I had the ability to write such crack-like fiction and make a bizillion dollars while infecting other people with my lame plot twists and lack of descriptive sex.

I have the final installment to finish this weekend. I was hoping that getting to the end of the story would cure my insanity, but I fear it will only feed the demon.

I need a hobby. Or to get laid more often.


Friday, January 09, 2009

Fear my yawn!


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Fear of Toilets

I have this great fear that I will clog/overflow the toilet at work. This is not as big a deal when you work on a floor with a lot of people and patients. This is a much bigger deal when you work in a private office with 3 other people and a staff restroom.

Please send help. and a plunger. Should I have asked for that when I made out my supply list?



Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year New Idea

I am jumping on the bandwagon here and will be using this blog again to talk about some of my non-mommy thoughts. Do I have any of those? We will have to wait and find out....

I think it's time for me to try and re-gain some of my "me" if that's at all possible. Not that this is a resolution as I personally think NYResolutions are dopey, but perhaps shedding a few baby pounds may help to the return of me. Or at least make me feel a little better about my bloated self.

I started a new job at the beginning of December and I feel like that is also helping me break out of my mommy rut. I am beginning to care about my career again, if even a little bit. Today I put on makeup and wore shoes with heels. I know! Who would have thought?

So over the coming months I will be using this space to think outside the diaper bin. hopefully.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Platypus Rising

Like the phoenix from the ashes, the platypus waddles again!

Monday, March 19, 2007

So bored

I have officially run out of things to do. I have no more blogs to read, no more items to surf the net for. I have no chart notes to write, no letters to send, no patients to follow up on. It's 1:52pm. I will not make it the next 4 1/2 to 5 hours without some diversion. Or some coffee. and based on the current twinlet situation, there will be no coffee. oh lord, what will I do for the rest of the day? Is napping at your desk gauche? Do you think you can get away with it pregnant? Let's find out.