email from a friend while trying to come up with blog name:
"ten pounds of crazy in an eight pound bag"
yup, unfortunately this is me. now that I've finally gotten this thing up and running (like it was so hard to configure blogger...) I have nothing to say.
Actually I have so many things to say I don't know where to start... Let's make a list of things that I may want to comment on in the future:
1. the annoyance of friends who are always late but expect you to be uberprompt
2. punctuality, or rather, caring about the passage of time as if it were real or important
3. phantom mother-in-laws
4. being smarter than everyone you work with
5. knowing that #4 is true and may also be expanded to include most people you know
6. the entire healtcare field
7. especially genetics
8. working for a living (and living over an hour away from your job)
9. the institution of marriage
10. global warming
11. why i suck at crafts and yet am compelled to tackle them
wow, this could go on for a long time.... So maybe I should just plop down some of today's insanity.
Right now I am sitting at my desk procrastinating due to plain ornery-ness. You see, I have this friend. she has lots of parties. they are not so fun. well, they are fine. no, that's a lie. they cause pain and suffering. mostly because a vast majority of her friends are stupid. really really stupid. like wear a helmet stupid. and we are trapped in a small apartment with these people while they drink. so she is having a party tonight and I am supposed to be there. probably like an hour ago. but I don't feel like it. Truth is I don't feel like doing anything but sitting here in free airconditioning. but if i don't get off my butt and go out there to her sweaty-ass party, she is going to call and harrass me. and I told her I would spend the night. this involves sleeping in the living room on an airmattress with Mr. Duck and my friend's two ginormous cats.
le sigh
And did I mention the greasy food they are ordering to stuff themselves with? Ugh.
My intestine doth protest in anticipation.